Wednesday, 2 May 2012

A Gentleman NEVER dry cleans

When it comes to fragrance it's important to follow a really simple rule: LESS is MORE.

When you apply fragrance with too much vigor it gives the impression you're trying to cover up something far more sinister. To some 'dry cleaning' appears to mean not going near water for a while and compensating heavily by dousing their body in Jean Paul Gaultier (the most common culprit) for weeks on end.

A fragrance is a deeply personal choice and the decision to subscribe to a particular scent should be based on how it smells rather than dictated by what's in fashion. The latter being the most common decision maker whilst leaning over the counter at Boots on a Saturday afternoon.

Take a break from Boots and have a look at Taylors, Trumpers and Floris; all of which are wonderful shopping experiences which offer a plethora of high street alternatives at around the same price points. Additionally, you won't smell like every other guy on the block.

The best advice to give is Less is More (and leave the dry cleaning to the specialists).

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